Escape and Betray Chp 6: The End

13 min read

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StantheSpider's avatar
The Zombies would be in the south now, Jim would be the only one awake as he groans in pain, he lifted up his sleeve to see the flesh on his arm was now a sickly brown color. "No no...Not now!" Jim growled as he set the truck to cruise mode, grabbing some Gauge Bandages and wrapped his arm in it. Jim would sit back down as he sighs, still remembering the day he...Got the news.

"I'm sorry to say...but Jim, you've contracted the disease Decay..." The scientist would say as Jims eyes widened. "Wh-What??" Jim would stammer out as the Scientist looked at him. "You...Have 3 more months to live...I' sorry" Jim would look down at his hands as he soon walked out, his face in disbelief. He then went home and looked in the mirror, he couldn't just die here, he couldn't die knowing he worked for the people HE wanted to kill.... Then, in that moment..he knew what he had to do. He planned out a way to get petals out of the labs, to get these zombies away so they could have a happier life, before he passed away.

He sighs as he keeps driving, no one knew of his sickness, and he wanted to keep it that way. He picked up his phone, and dialed a certain number and spoke slowly. "Hello...I think we have what you want more than 100'000 dollars..." Jim stopped and quietly dragged a large chest out into a Alley way, and looked into the darkness. "Come out Zneda...I've got something to make you get off our backs." Zneda steps out and held his gun in his hand. "Oh? And how much would that be?" Jim would the open the chest and it would be filled to the brim with Gold, Diamonds and over 1'000'000 coins in goods. Znedas jaw would drop as he reached for it, then Jim closed it. "Stay off our backs, and you can have it" Jim would say as Zneda groans. "Fine, I'm a man of my word so you shouldn't worry..." Zneda would take the chest as he walked off, before looking back and saying "Thank you for the goods..." As he ran off to his ship.

Jim would quietly go into a different Alley, and meet a mysterious figure. "You got the money buddy?" The figure would say in a sing song voice. "" Jim would hand over 10'000 Coins to the figure as he held all the Plant-Allied Passports in his hand, then he creeped back into the truck and began driving again.

The Zombies would wake up an hour later, Jim was still driving as they finally reach the Power plant, the main power source for the Z-Tech forces here in the south. Jim sighs as he told the others to get ready outside, as he was going to make a call. "Hello! Plant Republic Hotline how may I help you?" Jim would hear this and sighs as he held the phone. "Hey...I don't know if you heard of us but...were a group of rebel zombies, I...Just wanted to see if they could join...We're about to attack a Z-Tech Generator and...we need reinforcements." The operator would direct the call to Nyan. "Nyan speaking, who is this?" Nyan would ask questionably as Jim spoke clearly. "We need help, my group is going to be attacked by Z-Tech, the coordinates are..." Jim said the Coordinates out loud as he hung up, then called the UPDF. "UPDF SpaceLine, how may I take your call?" Cassidy, Scars Fiancé, would be taking the call as she heard Jims voice. "I need help, me and my friends are going to be attacked by Z-Tech, Give the leader of the UPDF these coordinates, and we have something you could use". Jim would hang up as he got out of the truck, and got some equipment out. "Alright, We can't use stealth, and I've already got the UPDF and Plant Republic on its way down here, the moment we do this...All Heck is gonna break loose..." The Zombies would look to one another, but soon stand up straight. "We've gotten this far, why give up now!" Adrian said as the others agreed. The plan was set in stone, Z-Tech is going to face the worst power shortage in their undead lives.

"So as I was saying about last nig-" a scientist was cut off as the front doors of the generators were blown clean off as the zombies charged in, gun fire ringing all around the building as the zombies charged through the group of guards. Gar grabbed a large pylon and whacked a Imp Mech into another room, Link trying to hack into the generator room as the others fought for their lives.

Gnar was on top of Gars shoulder, throwing rocks and using modified Gravity Grenades to slow the guards down, Matt would be laying down some heavy fire at the doors as Adrian was helping Link with the hacking. Jim was holding his phone as he heard a familiar laugh. "BARBLABARG! JIM HOW COULD YOU!" Breakfast Brainz yelled out as he kicked his way down, Jim barely dodging it. "Can't you see, Toast for brains! Zomboss doesn't care about us! He sends us out to die constantly and all you zombies just kiss his feet like he's the ruler of the god darn planet!" Breakfast brains shot waffles at him as he growls. "Take that Back! You traitor!" Jim growls as he looked him dead in the eyes. "I've always preferred Lunch and dinner than breakfest!" Then Jim activated his phone, causing a mech to appear and his mech was custom made. It was a Scally Wag Mechs body and gun with 4 Pylon imp wheels on the bottom. It's other arm was a Z-11 Mech arm as long with the Standard Imp Mechs rockets attached to the sides. "COME GET SOME!" Jim yelled out as breakfast Brainz charged right at Jim.

Link would finally open the door as he yelled out. "COME ON GUYS!", the zombies would run towards the door as Jim would fight the breakfest Brainz. He soon had to evacuate the suit and used his gravity grenade to keep breakfast brains there. Jim rolled into the room as the Mech explodes, causing the fire alarm to go off. Z-Tech forces would soon be coming as the UPDF and Plant Republic would swarm the area, the two forces clashing as Captain Camo slipped out of sight.

Inside the building the Zombies would be heading right for the generator as they hit the main servo room. Scientists aimed their weapons as Jim threw another grav grenade, causing them to be stuck in the air. Gar would then whack them out a window as one lands right on top of Aiden, who was outside fighting. Adrian would go to the computer and begin the self destruct process. The zombies would hear a low chuckle as Captain Camo would be in the entrance way. Matt growled as he charged at him, before being grabbed by the arm and chucked across the room, Gar would swing at him as C.Camo grabbed the pylon, and ripped it from Gars hand. "'re all bloody stupid!" Captain Camo laughed as Adrian quickly activated the self destruct process, causing Captain Camo to charge at him. Jim used his last gravity grenade to stop captain Camo from charging as he looked at the rest of the Zombies. "GO! I'LL HOLD HIM OFF!" Jim screamed as the Zombies quickly left, Jim closing the Exit door as he looked at Captain Camo. A security camera would flicker on as Scar hacked into it, and began broadcasting it to any TV signals. "You've always been a fool Jim! A darn fool! I shouldn't of even kept you alive!" Captain Camo yelled out as he laughs. "You killed my grandchild, and I ain't letting you kill her again!" Jim yelled as he held his Pylon blasters. "You're so stupid to think you can stop me!" He laughs as he ripped off his eye patch, showing the rainbow swirl in his eye. "I've been snagging infinity shards and using them to increase my power! And...I've taken the pleasure of taking this" He then held the vial a green substance. "It's the G1-14 Syrum..or the Gargantuar Syrum..." He laughs as he ripped something out of the ground and threw it at Jim. Jim used his boosters to get out of the way as he growls. "YOU'RE GOING TO OAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY GRAND DAUGHTER!" He screams out as he began firing at Captain Camo, he began firing back as both dodged every shot, taking cover and firing at one another. Captain Camo soon pulled out his knife, ready for Jim to attack as Jim yells out. "Why'd you kill her huh! Why'd you do it!" Captain Camo laughs as he responds in a cynical and unforgiving tone. "Because I wanted to prove myself to were as weak as a general as you are now Jim! Man that little brat was crying so I had to silence her somehow!" Jim growled as he remembered going to the same graveyard near a willow tree...and always muttering out the name...


He muttered this as the moment he snapped out of it captain Camo plunged the knife right into Jims stomach, a sudden quietness happened as all the viewers watching this would gasp in their homes. "You know what I'm going to do after this?...I'm going to kill every. Single. One. Of your friends and then...I'm going to find that teenage freak and his little love bird and slaughter them both on the spot! Then I'm personally going to find every single FREAK you call a "Zombotany 2.0" and kill them however I please!" Captain Camo would pull out the knife as Jim fell to the ground, groaning in pain as he watched Captain Camo slowly walk to the computer, as he was going to cancel the self destruct mode. Jim groans as he shakily pulled out his revolver, and held a brass bullet with the name "Captain Camo" on the side...

Jim would push the bullet into the clip and aim the gun, pushing back the hammer as he yelled out. "HEY! CAPTAIN CAMO!" Captain Camo whipped his head around yelling "WHAT!" As his good eye widened, Jim muttered out "Eat lead..." As he pulled the trigger, making the gun fire the bullet would go right through Captain Camos head, he soon fell with a thud. His helmet rolling as it stopped, and Jim would laugh softly as the Z-Tech forces would see this on the screens. Zombia would stutter, Aiden soon yelling out "RETREAT! EVERYBODY RETREAT!" Z-Tech forces began scrambling as their tanks, Z-Jeeps and troops began running for their lives. The plants would celebrate as the Zombies would appear, the plants aiming at them as Nyan lifted up his hand. "Hold you fire! Are you the Zombies a certain person called about?..." Adrian nodded as he responded. "Yes but our friend Jim is in there!" Scar would appear as he had Agent J with him. "Agent J, you know what to do" Agent J sighs as she takes a deep breath, then her petals began to glow as she began creating a portal, barely big enough to fit anyone. "HOW'RE WE SUPPOSED TO FIT IN THERE?" Matt exclaimed as Petals dashed for the portal without warning, and jumped in. "PETALS!" Scar yelled as Agent J struggled to keep the portal open. "I-I can't keep this open for long!" Petals looked towards the bleeding imp as she took a mad dash towards him, picking him up as she also saw the briefcase nearby. She grabbed the handle as the portal strained to stay open, the computer began counting down the self destruct sequence as Petals bolted towards the portal.





The Building explodes as a shock wave blasted through the area, affecting any and every Z-Tech brand machine and deactivating the all mighty Swampigator from the blast. Zomboss would sit there awkwardly as he looked at the plants and people he was terrorizing. "Ummmm, See ya!" Then Zomboss teleported out with his mech.

Petals would groan as she held the bleeding imp in her arms. Scar would run over and look at the scene. "SOMEONE! GET HIM SOME FIRST AID!" Jim looked at him and shook his head. "No...I was going to die anyways...All that that they're safe...." He pointed at the zombies as he coughs, his hand holding the revolver out to Nyan. "Nyan.....your father wanted me to give this to you....he was a brave man, a fine soldier..." Nyan would take it, but felt weird holding an ACTUAL gun instead of his trusty log shots. "Inside the brief every vent, security posts, and even electrical outlines of brainzar...And Scar..." Scar would look at Jim as he weakly smiled. "Take care of my grand daughter for me?...." Petals would look at him as she began to cry, Jim wiping the tears away. "You.....have the same...eyes as your mother....."

Then, as he said those words, Jims body went limp as his hat came off, petals began shaking him a bit. "Gra-Grandpa? Grandpa!!" Petals would scream as the zombies, too, were beginning to cry. Jim the imp, a brave hero with a big heart and bright soul, has finally took his final breath.

The funeral was packed, many plants and plant allied zombies took up the seats as they were all weeping. Scar and Nyan would be on a stage as everyone was there. Scar sighs as he stood up on the stage. "Hello, today we...Are here to say farewell to one of the bravest souls here. Jim, who was first a general of the U.S. Army during the Z-Tech army, then crudely turned into a imp. This man sacrificed his life, soul, and heart to see every single one of his friends escape into safety." He pointed at the Zombies in the front rows, all in tuxedos as they tried to hold back their tears. "May this be remembered as a day of real courage, and the day that even the littlest of plants, zombies, and humans...can be the bravest. Allamader UPDF, and Viva la Plant Republic." Scar soon got off the stage as the coffin was brought out, soon being lowered, as everyone said their last good bye...


"CARNAGE IS ON THE STREETZ! ZOMBIEZ THROW BIG RIOTS!" A zombie reporter would say as a big crowd of brown coats marched and threw things, destroying stuff.

"LABORATORIES BEING DESTROYED! ZOMBOTONY V.2 SUBJECTS ESCAPING!" The reporter would scream as a subject knocked over the reporter, and mauling is seen in the shadow.

"AUSTRALIA CLOSES PORTS DUE TO "ASSASSINATION THREAT", FEAR OF THE FUTURE PRINCESS BEING KILLED STIRS TROUBLE!" Galos growls as he held snip, knocking the camera away as he was seen entering the house, and closing the door.

"BRAINZAR RIOTS! PLANTS AND HUMANS FIGHT BACK TONIGHT!" A video footage of plants and humans assaulting a group of troops before being apprehended was seen.

(I hope you enjoyed, Viva la Plant republic, and Allamater UPDF)
© 2017 - 2024 StantheSpider
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Nyanbonecrush's avatar
It's curious how Heroes come from unlikely places. Although the swampigator won't be affected by the power outage , Nyan is now studying the Intel of Brainzinar to find a specific weak point in the design. However upon looking at the date of the blueprints, he discovered that the architectural blueprints were outdated making it a questionably uncredible source. Regardless, he will use this to the plants advantage however he can. Good work Jim.